Monday, March 8, 2010


The mask is made. It was kind of fun to do. We started with a sheet of perforated plastic about 30" by 20". The holes are round and about the size of the 0 in 20" as seen earlier in this sentence. No the previous sentence. They heat it up to 155 degrees and then three women surround you and say "close your eyes and don't peak", place the hot sheet on your face and mold it by pressing and pulling the plastic to the contour of the face. This is a good hot face rub. It looks pretty good, not a man color though but I think a blonde like me can make it work. It's only function is to secure my head during treatment and as a locator for the nuc cannon. I haven't see the linear accelerator yet but I hope it wasn't made by Toyota. I don't need more problems. The Oncologist said that the last and first MRI didn't show any new masses, so that is good and he seemed up beat. Sure beats his departing statement from the first interview of
"Good Luck, Keith" Anyway it was a fun day. So this Thursday is PEG day. I hope that they have Fent I like Fent.


Valdez said...

K-Dawg! (I like it!),

Glad the mask went well. It does sound nice, actually. Might need to get one of those myself.

Funny post. Liked the Toyota bit. Hopefully the accelerator is a Honda. I think they worked their bugs out already.

What's your favorite flavor of Fent? I'll pick you up some ...


Unknown said...

K-Dawg....aint chew gangsta. the man with the 155 degree face. you are hot brother.

Did you get a cape to go with the mask so you can be the Midnight Mombler or the Flying Ginsu.

Keep it real Dawg


Al said...

Mr. Momberg (IKA K-Dawg),

I'm not buying this mask story, sounds way too hot! Three women molding and massaging something very warm all over your face, next you'll tell us that by some miracle of God they are triplets all named Helga, that their from Sweden, and they are all blonde! OK, what's really going on behind those doors?

It's great your Doc's attitude is changing, I think you can take credit for that!

Hey I like "Midnight Mombler" that should be your alias during treatment time!

GOMEZ said...

Oh Valdez, you don't taste Fent you are one with it.

Mike the cape is more of a lead drape. The Midnight Mombler may not fly.

Judy, Jinger and Jazmin, had my eyes closed so I don't know what ethnic group they were. Besides they told me to close my eyes and think about baseball.

Unknown said...

Baseball? or cantaloupes?? (how do you spell cantelopes? Maybe I should've said grapefruit) Anway, I think maybe The Midnight Mombler was dreaming and it was Hans, Franz and Gunter.