Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Update: Post 12th treatment.

Howdy Folks,
Things are going as planned so far. I'm starting to get sick but not to bad. My tongue is on fire today but I can still eat. I drink a beveage called Carnation Plus, it is interesting because it taste the same coming up as it did going down. (That's for Valdez) Nothing funny has happened lately other than I was the only one in the waiting room with dog poop on his shoes. Had to remove them and carry them in a bag for a while. Looks like I am a third of the way through which I like and things haven't too bad at all. There are a lot of people in bad shape out there. I have only losed 7 pounds so far which put this hunk at 178. Chemo again next Tuesday and if that goes well......I don't know what does happen....this sentence doesn't have any meaning. Zander starts radiation treatment on Sat. for his leg pain up in Seattle and ...... Don't have much to say tonight. If nothing happens soon I will make something up.
Thanks for being out there.


Valdez said...

Gotta love meals that taste just as good the second time around! That's what I like to call "added value!"

Hope you don't get too sick, and that this is all a distant memory before you know it. But then again, having to carry Ziplocked poop shoes around is probably a trauma that will probably not soon fade from memory ..... that sucks!

Reminds me of the time we had a fire drill in high school. Freshman year. The muster point was in the middle of the athletic field. During class suburbanites would walk their dogs in that field. Well, we filed back in from the fire drill and someone in our English class asked "who farted???" I looked down at my shoes to see caked dog crap all over my shoe. I looked up from that to see the girl I had been in love with since the 4th grade smiling at me, sympathetically. Not knowing what to do, I scraped it off on the book basket of the desk in front of me. The memory goes dark after that. I imagine we had to smell it for the rest of class. And I still feel bad for whoever ended up cleaning it up...Suffice it to say, yeah -- that memory is still as vivid as the day it happened -- one of my most embarrassing moments. Some of your other chemo related adventures (ka-blue-ie) have reminded me of some of my other, less talked-about, most embarrassing moments ....

RAR said...

"Nothing funny has happened lately other than I was the only one in the waiting room with dog poop on his shoes."

Keith... after that, nothing else would be funny anyway.

Al said...

Hey, everyone needs to understand Keiths dog is a St. Bernard, that's a huge poop. My first and only question is how can you walk around with 5 pounds of stool on your shoe and not know it? You Mombo 2.0 have failed to mention all the pain meds you must be on! Glad your holding up better than any of us would have!

Adam Q said...

Al brought up a very good point.

For a guy that pays attention to detail for a living, you'd think the poop-foot would have been resolved prior to entering the waiting room. Man that had me laughing...I can picture you sitting there reading a magazine with one of your legs crossed over the other, perfectly nonchalant, with a big hunk of zander stink on your toe.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mo,
Well it has taken me a while to get to this but here I am. It sure is good that we can see the hummor in the embarrassing moments but I guess thats what we have always had as a group, if one missed something for sure another would be sure to point it out. Living out here in the country I usually always have something smelly or dirty on my footware so I can relate. Keep up the good attitude and be shy if you need anything but fishing would be preferable.

Unknown said...


Glad to see your hanging in there so well. We have dogs come to the Loma Linda VA for the patients to cheer them up. But you my friend, sharing Zander with your chemo buds on such an intimate level really touches my heart. I can smell the love.

Yack Attack

Anonymous said...

You crack me up! Keith, reading your blog reminds me that you can make me laugh like no one else! We miss ya! One of our bus buddies, Rachel, told me about your blog. I'm so glad to find a way to keep in touch. You take care of yourself, keep blogging and watch out for land mines! Lynn

Valdez said...


I think the blog is going viral! Keep up the great posts! :-)


Unknown said...

Dialysis Gang here. Thinking of you. Glad to hear things are going OK. Where did you get the dog poop shoes anyway?

Ohhhhhh! did you hear about the kids driving the nuclear sub with Ipod hooked up to speakers and not wearing any shoes and ramming into the troop tranport ship? LOLOLOL! almost 100 Million bucks in damage... They were shoe-less also... but unlike you they were also clue-less. Keep smiling!... Rebecca

A special hello from Janie, hope you are well, thinking of you and cant wait to see you back here again.

Unknown said...

Poop on your shoes is better that poop in your pants, lol.

Patty P

Unknown said...

Than not that. Better THAN...

Not so perfect anymore Patty

GOMEZ said...

I will address these issues in tonight blog.

GOMEZ said...

Good Morning Rebecca,
I'm glad I got to this post before you did. I didn't mean to leave you and the Dialysis out of my new post. Must be the drugs. Thanks for your thoughts, I hope to get back up there to give you a bad time. And no I didn't here about the Kids and the Sub.
SAy hi to all for me and thanks for writing. How is the dog???

Unknown said...

Navy Davy, dude, poop on your shoes is much better than poop anywhere else on your person. Let's go and catch a springer soon.